Having successfully developed and operated China 1st commercial CSP project, SUPCON is well-known by China and global CSP industry as a pioneering tower CSP technology provider and project developer. SUPCON Delingha 10MW tower project was commissioned in the year of 2013, and its molten salt revamping project was completed earlier this year. Click to free download SUPCON Delingha 10MW tower project report
Listed on the top of China 20 pilot projects launched by China government, Qinghai SUPCON Solar Delingha 50MW Molten Salt Tower CSP Project (6 hours storage) is to be leading the construction of China 1st phase 1.349GW pilot CSP projects. At the end of this October, the 50MW project was officially announced to break ground, just near to the site of its built 10MW plant.
The expected total investment is around RMB 1.05 billion, with the average of RMB 20,000/kW, which is the lowest among the other 19 pilot CSP projects. As Mr. Jin Jianxiang, Chairman of SUPCON Solar indicates, positively the investment could be controlled within RMB 1 billion thanks to SUPCON’s experience in both technology and construction, and the decreasing cost of components. Considering the DNI of China Delingha, the annual output is expected to be 1,360 million kWh and operation 2720 hours. The project will enjoy the FiT of RMB 1.15/kWh, predicting a quite economic future of the project. Click to free download List of China First 20 CSP Pilot Projects
SUPCON says the capital fund (20% of total investment) has been raised by SUPCON itself, and the extra will be financed by the end of next year to ensure the procurement of equipment and construction.
To get known the project progress face-to-face, you are welcome to join CSP Focus China 2017 Mar.23-24 Beijing, the most powerful and 7th annual conference for all who are or will be China CSP industry players.