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Head-quartered in Saudi Arabia, ACWA Power is a world leading developer, investor, co-owner and operator of a portfolio of power generation plants. Positioning as a major player in global renewable energy sector has been a crucial part of ACWA’s strategy. In concentrated solar power domain, the giant makes the whole industry get learned of its ambition after developing the well-known NOOR 1&2&3 in Morocco and Bokpoort & Redstone in South Africa.

In May 2012, a consortium led by ACWA was announced as preferred bidder to develop the BOKPOORT CSP 50MW parabolic trough project, which was the only CSP plant in the second round of the South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Programme (REIPPPP). And it starts operation from March, 2016. Afterwards, ACWA and its partner SolarReserve won the bid during REIPPPP Round3.5 to develop Redstone 100MW power tower project, which is expected to be operational by 2018. Moreover, ACWA also gets involved in the bid of REIPPPP Round4.5 with a 150MW power tower project.
Click to read the details of South African CSP plant--Bokpoort.
Click to read the details of South African CSP plant--Redstone.
“Our goal is to provide power as safely, reliably and efficiently as possible at the lowest possible cost,” Mr. Nandu Bhula, CEO of Bokpoort & Redstone CSP says, “Our experience tells CSP technology can be used as a base-load capacity option in the same way as conventional power plants.” South Africa is one of the best places with great solar resource and political support for CSP development, it is quite understandable why such a market is among ACWA’s renewable map.
 Relevant files to free download: Bokpoort CSP plant report 2016/South African CSP Projects under REIPPPP.

To communicate further about ACWA’s CSP business in South Africa, Mr. Nandu Bhula, CEO of Bokpoort & Redstone CSP will be present as a speaker in CSP Focus South Africa 2016 Nov.23-24 in Johannesburg. Other leading developers/EPCs who will join the event include Eskom, Abengoa Solar, ACS Cobra, SolarReserve, TSK…

Click here to register or download program for CSP Focus South Africa Nov.23-24. SAVE USD 300 by registering in August.
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